Dr. Brim is a R&D staff member in the Intelligent Systems and Facilities group in the Computer Science and Mathematics Division. He has over 15 years of research experience in tools and middleware for HPC systems, including commodity cluster administration, dynamic instrumentation and analysis of Linux kernels, scalable tool communication infrastructures based on overlay networks, and novel methods for coordinated operations on groups of distributed files and processes. During his graduate studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, he spent over five years as the primary developer and maintainer of the MRNet tree-based overlay network software. At ORNL, he is task lead for debugging and performance tools on the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF) project to acquire Frontier, the next flagship capability computing system. Recently, he has been researching tools and system middleware for managing data in multi-tier memory and storage systems.
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Last Updated: March 11, 2021 - 3:55 pm