
Accurate Quantified Mathematical Method for Neutron and Experimental Science (ACUMEN)

Project Status: Active

During the two-year span of this project, we will focus on seven different problems to demonstrate the ability of ACUMEN to solve the specific mathematical challenges at experimental facilities at ORNL. These problems are highly relevant to common challenges that exist across a majority of instruments and beam lines at SNS and HFIR, and coincide with mathematical challenges at CNMS and image/data analysis challenges at IFIM.

During the two-year span of this project, we will focus on seven different problems to demonstrate the ability of ACUMEN to solve the specific mathematical challenges at experimental facilities at ORNL. These problems are highly relevant to common challenges that exist across a majority of instruments and beam lines at SNS and HFIR, and coincide with mathematical challenges at CNMS and image/data analysis challenges at IFIM. Specifically, the motivating science challenges and our proposed innovative approaches are outlined below.

  • Neutron tomographic data reconstruction: develop advanced neutron tomography methods that can robustly reconstruct neutron data.
  • Neutron scattering optimization: develop effective high dimensional fast convolution methods and enhance neutron scattering optimization.
  • Neutron beam function approximation: construct accurate and cost effective representations of the neutron beam at the SNS.
  • Inelastic scattering optimization: increase the accuracy in determining material properties from measurements by building end-to-end uncertainty quantification in the experimental workflow.
  • Reciprocal space analysis: build methods to detect, characterize, and analyze Fermi surfaces.
  • Neutron database exploration: build methods to identify and discover model physics from softmatter neutron databases.
  • Experiment data registration: build methods to utilize complementary information to increase the scientific discovery possible from various measurements.

[Visit the ACUMEN website.]

Last Updated: May 28, 2020 - 4:02 pm