Computational Mechanics at ORNL is devoted to the development, analysis, and application of mechanics, mathematics, and numerical methods to solve a broad range of scientific and engineering problems…
Purpose of the Seminars
The Mathematics in Computation (MiC) seminar series occurs every Thursday, 3:15 - 4:15 pm EST and hosts speakers from various areas of research aligning with the staff from…
We propose to develop a stochastic optimal control framework for quantifying and reducing uncertainties in deep learning by exploiting the connection between probabilistic network architectures and…
Atomic nuclei are strongly interacting, quantum many-body systems displaying fascinating properties. They exhibit emergent phenomena characteristic of large complex systems while at the same…
The goal of this project is to establish a modern mathematical and statistical foundation that will enable next-generation, complex, stochastic predictive simulations. Such a foundation is critical…
The goal of this project is to develop a high-fidelity whole device model (WDM) of magnetically confined fusion plasmas, which is urgently needed to understand and predict the performance of ITER and…