Ramakrishnan (Ramki) Kannan


Graph500 Certificate awarded during Birds of Feather Session at SC'19 CSMD ORNL Computer Science and Mathematics

Graph 500 is an established set of large-scale benchmarks for data intensive applications and these high-performance applications cannot be improved without a meaningful benchmark. Graphs are a core…

Performance (In GFlop/sec) of the 3D sparse triangular solver

We propose a new algorithm to improve the strong scalability of right-looking sparse LU factorization on distributed memory systems. Our 3D algorithm for sparse LU uses a three-dimensional MPI…

Steps involved in MF-NMF

Non-negative matrix factorization(Nmf) is an important tool in high-performance large scale data analytics with applications ranging from community detection, recommender system, feature detection…

Performance (In GFlop/sec) of the 3D sparse triangular solver

We present a novel distributed memory algorithm to improve the strong scalability of the solution of a sparse triangular system. This operation appears in the solve phase of direct methods for…

Illustration of distributed memory algorithm for 3-way tensor on a 3×3×3 processor grid, showing data distribution, communication, and computation across steps.

The last few decades have witnessed a significant increase in the sophistication of scientific instruments. This sophistication has led to an exponential increase in scientific data, so much so that…